Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa

1.2 Studies conducted in support of evidence based national dialogue


Studies include studies on - National Diagnosis of Social Protection Gaps and Barriers to Protection and Recommendations on measures to progressively close the gaps through nationally defined programmes and measures; including specifically deficits in relation to gender equality.- Applied economic analyses including the costing of nationally defined sets of nationally defined basic social protection benefits, and the social impact assessment of the gender equality effects of the sets of benefits.- Studies on financing and fiscal options to increase the fiscal space for social protection, whenever possible in collaboration with international financial organizations, in dialogue with Ministries of Finance and National Planning Commissions - Policy Position papers on the Social Protection Floor with Workers and Employers Organizations. - Country studies on the combination of labour market and social protection instruments and recommendations for ensuring coordination between prevention, compensation, promotional and active measures, benefits and social services.
31.10.2016 Africa Malaui , Mozambique , Zambia