Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN

Output 2.1. Analysis of impediments and recommendations for extending social insurance coverage (review of legal/design and implementation aspects)


– Activity 2.1.1: Establish a tripartite project steering committee (building on the one of the ILO project on social insurance) and organize regular meetings to discuss progress and orientation of the project; as well as meetings with National Assembly when needed; Discuss with the tripartite committee the relevance of a sectoral approach to the project. – Activity 2.1.2: Conduct a legal and institutional assessment (including governance gaps), analysis of social protection risks, needs and obstacles in particular among informal economy and MSMEs workers, short-term contract workers, and self-employed; a value chain for identifying social protection gaps in one specific sector (if relevant); and bring international experiences and evidence based recommendations, policy options and institutional reforms for increasing social insurance coverage in Viet Nam (with gender considerations); this activity may contribute to the development of the guide the global campaign (by INWORK) on the extension of social protection to workers of the informal economy. – Activity 2.1.3: After two years of implementation of the reformed social insurance laws, conduct an evaluation of the impact of the recently reformed social security laws on the level of coverage; lessons learnt from this activity may nourish the global measurement and monitoring tool developed under the Flagship Programme on SPFs. – Activity 2.1.4: Conduct assessment of the financial sustainability of the funds, including in view of extending social security coverage (population and benefits); the assessment looks at gender considerations.
04.10.2018 Asie et Pacifique Viet Nam