Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Output 1.6 – Policy options are developed to help female garment sector workers stay in employment


For Output 1.6, the ILO will closely work with the GS-NSPC and other industry partners such as CAMFEBA, GMAC, brand representatives, factory owners and workers unions to understand the gaps and the challenges that are impeding the continued participation of female workers in the workforce. This builds on the earlier studies of the profile of members in the social security schemes where a large number of female workers exit the garment sector and formal employment between the 25 to 35 years old. The identification of the gaps and challenges will inform policy options that the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and the National Social Protection Council can adopt to encourage female garment sector workers to stay in employment. These policy options may include better paternity or maternity benefits, provision of childcare facilities, extension of social health insurance to dependents, and other policy instruments that can address the challenges faced by these female workers. Output 1.6 will also maintain close collaboration with other ILO projects in the garment sector which includes improving occupational safety and health, futureproofing of the garment sector through industry 4.0 and digital payroll for increase transparency and accountability. Together, these activities will improve social protection for garment sector workers and will help them stay in employment and secure their long-term security. 

31.12.2024 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge