Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN

Output 2.5. Awareness and understanding raised on benefits of social security and rights and obligations of employers and workers


– Activity 2.5.1. Conduct and discuss among workers and employers’ organizations a cost/benefits and return analysis of social protection to convince employers and workers, as well as local government agencies, and mass organizations on the benefits of contributing to social insurance. – Activity 2.5.2: Prepare and conduct awareness activities specifically defined to reach out workers of the rural areas and informal economy. – Activity 2.5.3: Guide employers and workers’ organizations in the preparation of awareness material; this activities and 2.5.1 may contribute to the global campaign to mobilize workers’ support to SPFs, Get In global campaign and the Global Business Network.
04.10.2018 Asia y Pacífico