Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)

Output 1.1. - Evidence-based tools to improve planning and monitoring and evaluation of social protection programmes under the National Social Protection Policy Framework in line with international standards and principles are developed and implemented


ministries and institutions engaged in the delivery of the social protection programmes. The capacities will be built to equip the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Planning, as well as Provincial departments of Social Affairs with the necessary skills to better link the indicators and KPIs built into the  existing and new M&E frameworks (including national strategic frameworks) with the results-based budget formulation. Support will be provided for the development of the M&E frameworks for the disability allowance programme and the cash transfer programme for pregnant women and children to link them with the Social Protection Sector M&E framework. Under this Output, the project will support the NSSF in carrying out actuarial studies to inform the revision of the existing social security schemes.

31.12.2022 Asia and the Pacific Cambodia