Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)

Output 1.2 – Feasibility studies and tools to support social protection scheme design and its expansion are developed


The focus of the activities under this output will be on the development of the Options paper and the costed Programme Design document in support of the integrated, family package of social assistance in Cambodia. The development of the integrated package has been prioritized by the CRG as an important step in expanding the coverage and adequacy of the social assistance delivery across life cycle. Additionally, the focus will be on providing support to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation in accelerating identification of persons with disability, and the revision of the existing disability allowance programme to expand its coverage to national scale and improve its effectiveness. Given country context and comples needs of persons with disability, the project will establish close coordination with key partners engaged in provision of support to PwD. One of the key partners will be the ACCESS project, with their focus on rehabilitation and creation of economic opportunities for PwD. The coordination is to occur through the NSPC General Secretariat, MoSVY and through the bilateral collaboration. The activities under this output will be led by UNICEF, in collaboration with ILO and Oxfam.    

31.12.2022 Asia y Pacífico Camboya