Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia
Output 2.2 – Core and complementary social protection policy options and programmes are developed to support socio-economic inclusion of the poor and vulnerable
Activities under Output 2.2 will be implemented under three streams: 1. Support to redesign and delivery of the Covid-19 Cash Transfer Programme; 2. Support to design of cash transfer progamme under Family Package; 3. Support to design of measures linking cash transfers to complementary programmes and social care services.
Technical assistance will be provided by UNICEF to address capacity gaps in the redesign and delivery of the Covid-19 Cash Transfer Programme for the Poor and Vulnerable Households. The Royal Government of Cambodia has successfully implemented the programme in 2020, with budget allocations ensured for the continuation of support to ID Poor households affected by Covid-19 in 2021. The technical support will be provided to RGC to revise the programme in line with the decision to gradually exit from the emergency programme and transit into long term and sustainable programme by 2022. Necessary support will be provided to revise the operational documentation, adjust the delivery tools, including MIS and M&E activities. Support will also be provided to deliver necessary training to service providers and develop and disseminate communication materials.
Under the Project, the objective will be to promote larger coherence between cash transfer programmes and propose measures under the Recovery Plan. Linkages under Outcome 1 and Outcome 2 will have to be established to promote onboarding of the ID Poor into the measures developed under the social security pillar, including formalization of their employment status and increasing their ability to access options planned for the expansion and support to SMEs. The advocacy efforts and technical assistance under this activity will be directly linked to Output 2.5 proposing longer-term focus on linking cash transfers and promotion of livelihood skills. In early 2021, the Project will specifically focus on the development of the communication materials on financial literacy and will in later stages continue to provide structured information on opportunities for economic engagements as they are designed and released by the RGC.