Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI
ZMB Output 4.1: Key social protection stakeholders have increased knowledge base around budgeting/costing, cost-benefit analysis and the social and economic impact of social protection spending
From Annual Report 2020
The project supported the Technical Working Group on Economic Simulation for Poverty, Vulnerability and Inequality to increase the capacity of national officers on microsimulations knowledge and skills. In line with implementation of the Technical Working Group roadmap the project supported the 3rd training workshop on MicroZAMMOD organized in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning, Southern African Social Policy Research Institute, Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research. 20 officials including participants from civil society, academia and ministry of finance were capacitated with knowledge and skills on microsimulations. The skills gained by civil society have alsocontributed in development of the social protection budget tracking and service delivery report mentioned under output 1.1. It is expected that the increased use of the microsimulations tools within Government will contribute to evidence-based policy making.