Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN
Output 4.3. Capacities of social security policy makers, social protection practitioners and staff, as well as social partners built through hands on training sessions.
Output 4.2. New and improved design of social protection schemes endorsed with the view to facilitate access to social protection for uncovered groups
Output 4.1. Policies for extension of social protection discussed among tripartite constituents
Output 3.4. Awareness and understanding raised on benefits of social security and rights and obligations of employers and workers
Output 3.3. Support to PBJS-Employment for streamlining procedures and services for social insurance registration, payment of contributions, benefits claims and appeals, if relevant in one proposed sector of the economy.
Output 3.2. Enhanced role of the social security inspection, learning from different countries experiences including the Sharoushi system of Japan.
Output 3.1. Analysis of impediments and evidence-based recommendations for extending social insurance coverage (review of legal/design and implementation aspects)
Output 2.5. Awareness and understanding raised on benefits of social security and rights and obligations of employers and workers
Output 2.4. Support to Viet Nam Social Security for public administration reforms (streamlining procedures and services for social insurance registration, payment of contributions, benefits claims and appeals), if relevant in one proposed sector of the economy
Output 2.3. Enhanced functions and capacity of social insurance/labour inspection
Output 2.2. Improved policy and legal frameworks for a better enforcement of the social security laws
Output 2.1. Analysis of impediments and recommendations for extending social insurance coverage (review of legal/design and implementation aspects)
Output 1.2. Capacity of ASEAN policy makers, practitioners and social partners to design and implement social protection policies strengthened and pool and experts are available to be deployed for South-South cooperation
Output 1.1. Knowledge and expertise on strategies and practices to improve coverage of self-employed, informal and MSMEs workers, and compliance of social security laws