Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI
(Inception phase) MWI Output 1.1: A national dialogue process is designed and implemented to develop MNSSP II
(Inception phase)MWI Output 1.2 : A plan for the implementation of the MNSSP II is designed, including a detailed costing for the implementation and M&E framework
MWI Output 1.1: Increased involvement of key social protection stakeholders (media, academic/research institutions, members of parliament) in awareness raising and advocacy initiatives to promote their active engagement in debates around social protection reform
MWI Output 1.2: Debates and communication campaigns involving the general public as well as key stakeholders enhance public understanding and engagement with social protection issues
MWI Output 1.3: Increased capacity of civil society organizations, workers and employers organizations to engage and shape the debate on reform of social protection systems
MWI Output 2.1: Critical knowledge of institutional/governance/legal frameworks gaps in the social protection sector at national and district levels available to stakeholders
MWI Output 2.2: Approaches to a) improve institutional coordination, governance and programme integration and b) adopt right-based approaches in the delivery of social protection at central, district and community level have been developed
MWI Output 2.3: Increased technical, leadership and transformation capacity of implementers of non-contributory social protection programmes to manage and implement non-contributory social protection programs through exposure to TRANSFORM training curriculum and other ITC-ILO training opportunities
MWI Output 3.1: Successors to existing national social protection policies/strategies developed/evaluated/updated based on social protection floor principles and national dialogue process
MWI Output 3.2: Prioritized implementation plans and planning tools for social protection policies/strategies have been developed and progress is monitored through administrative and survey data
MWI Output 4.1: Key social protection stakeholders have increased knowledge base around budgeting/costing, cost-benefit analysis and the social and economic impact of social protection spending
MWI Output 4.2: Appropriate financing modalities, approaches and plans are developed in relation to the expansion of social protection floors
República Unida de Tanzania
ZMB Output 1.1: Increased involvement of key social protection stakeholders (media, academic/research institutions, members of parliament) in awareness raising and advocacy initiatives to promote their active engagement in debates around social protection reform
ZMB Output 1.2: Debates and communication campaigns involving the general public as well as key stakeholders enhance public understanding and engagement with social protection issues
ZMB Output 1.3: Increased capacity of civil society organizations, workers and employers organizations to engage and shape the debate on reform of social protection systems
ZMB Output 2.1: Critical knowledge of institutional/governance/legal frameworks gaps in the social protection sector at national and district levels available to stakeholders
ZMB Output 2.2: Approaches to a) improve institutional coordination, governance and programme integration and b) adopt right-based approaches in the delivery of social protection at central, district and community level have been developed
ZMB Output 2.3: Increased technical, leadership and transformation capacity of implementers of non-contributory social protection programmes to manage and implement non-contributory social protection programs through exposure to TRANSFORM training curriculum and other ITC-ILO training opportunities
ZMB Output 3.1: Successors to existing national social protection policies/strategies developed/evaluated/updated based on social protection floor principles and national dialogue process
ZMB Output 3.2: Prioritized implementation plans and planning tools for social protection policies/strategies have been developed and progress is monitored through administrative and survey data
ZMB Output 4.1: Key social protection stakeholders have increased knowledge base around budgeting/costing, cost-benefit analysis and the social and economic impact of social protection spending
ZMB Output 4.2: Appropriate financing modalities, approaches and plans are developed in relation to the expansion of social protection floors
ZMB-Output 1.1 (Inception Phase) : Inter-ministerial arrangements for monitoring progress against the implementation of the integrated framework for basic social protection programmes are established as a basis for increased coordination and rationalization of non-contributory programmes
Output REG 2.1: The Leadership and Transformation Curriculum on Building and Managing Social Protection Floors (TRANSFORM) is established as a regional platform for capacity building in Africa
Output REG 2.2: The content of the TRANSFORM learning package is enriched with additional case studies/modules/materials and adapted to needs of other language areas