Strenghtening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOPs and Timor-Leste / Global Component
Output 3.3 - Regional seminars (PALOP and Timor-Leste) for interchange of innovative experiences and good practices adopted within the context of the CPLP on the subject of implementation and strengthening of social protection floors (with ITC-Turin)
Output 2.2 - Strengthening of the operational management capacities of the social protection institutions, in terms of the use of ICT platforms and statistical systems, as well as the development of indicators
Output 1.4 - Technical assistance for review of the national legislation, so as to improve its implementation and move forward in ratification of the ILO Conventions
Output 1.3 - Institutional analyses to improve the interconnection, coordination and supervision of contributory and non-contributory social protection programmes
Output 1.2 - Holding of a social dialogue process at national level through the ABND methodology developed by the ILO
Output 1.1 - Technical reports on the national policies, plans and legislative reforms for broadening the coverage of social protection, prepared and submitted for consultation through tripartite dialogue
Output 3.2 - A set of audiovisual resources is disseminated in Portuguese and English
Output 3.1 - Materials in support to the management of social protection policies produced, translated and disseminated in Portuguese
Output 2.3 - Implementation of a training programme at national and regional level
Output 2.1 - Analysis of the technical assistance needs of the social protection institutions