Viet Nam - Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs
Output 1.1: Assessments, recommendations and dialogue to support the development of a multi-tiered social protection system, including new or reformed schemes, aligned with MPSAR and MPSIR objectives.
Output 1.2: Recommendations and policy options aimed at improving linkages between contributory and tax-funded systems, to ensure universal coverage at an adequate level, are developed in dialogue with national stakeholders.
Output 1.3: Capacity building and advocacy programme for stakeholders (Government, National Assembly, social partners, civil society, academics) to take informed decisions on social protection policy is designed and implemented
Output 1.4: Communication materials to raise public awareness and support for social protection and ensure understanding of available schemes are developed and disseminated.
Output 2.1: Support the legal review process and facilitate development of a coherent SP framework.
Output 2.2: Capacity building trainings for drafting teams and technical staff at MOLISA on social protection law drafting are designed and delivered.
Output 3.1: Capacity building programme for national constituents on key aspects of social protection administration and implementation is designed, referring to TRANSFORM and pursuing collaboration with other UN agencies and the MOLISA Cadre Academy.