Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs
Output 3.1: Quality assurance and expert support from HQ and RAF for products related to social protection strategies, institutional reviews, communication and training
Output 2.2 The content of this learning package is enriched with additional case studies/modules/materials and adapted to needs from other regions
Output 2.1: The TRANSFORM Learning Package on Building Social Protection Floors in Africa is made available and accessed through multiple channels (e.g. online, embedded in regular national and regional trainings, on-demand training via roster of regional
Output 1.2: Regional Community of Practice on extension of coverage for universal social protection floors allows cross-fertilization of models and experiences in the sub-region
Output 1.1: Best practices on building and managing SPFs in Africa and Viet Nam are documented and disseminated
Output 1.1: Assessments, recommendations and dialogues to support the development of social assistance policies and schemes, including on emergency assistance, through reviewing international experiences, legal, institutional, and financial assessments