Panel discussion 2: Progress in extending social protection in Asean countries
Following the adoption of the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), many member States of the ILO have acknowledged the importance of social protection in their development agendas and made significant progress in the extension. In this context several ASEAN countries have taken measures to extend their social protection systems. In some cases the schemes are universal, in others the schemes are targeted towards the poorest.
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Wednesday, 7 September - 9:00-10:30 am
Mr. Sophannarith HENG
Deputy Director of Health Insurance Division, National Social Security Fund, Cambodia
Ms. Amelia Diatri
Ministry of Manpower, Indonesia
Ms. Vanxay Souvannamethy
Deputy Director, National Health Insurance Bureau, Lao PDR
Mr. Mohamad Asri bin Ngosman
Social Security Organization, Malaysia
Mr. Liu Yutong
Director for Technical Cooperation,International Cooperation Department, MOHRSS, China CHAIR