Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

Extension of the social security coverage

Outcome achieved

(1) Extension of the social security coverage included in the National Medium-Term Development plan RPJNM 2015-2019 which was issued by Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2015 signed on 8 January 2015. (2) A new public pension scheme has been implemented in July 2015 (3)BAPPENAS (the Indonesian ministry of planning) develops an Integrated Referral System (IRS) for better coordination and integration of social protection and employment services in Indonesia. The preparation phase started in 2014 and continued in 2015 with the testing of the tools in some pilot districts. Upon completion of the evaluation by the end of 2015, decision will be taken for roll out.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(1) The ILO provided technical and advisory support over the last few biennia with a view to promoting the extension of social protection. The ILO produced in 2012 the Assessment Based National Dialogue on Social protection (ABND) report with contribution from the main stakeholders of the social protection system and calling for strong effort to establish a social protection floor in Indonesia. It was endorsed by the Indonesian Ministry of Planning (BAPPENAS). (2) The ILO conducted an actuarial valuation of the proposed pension scheme between May and December 2014, in response to a request from the Ministry of Manpower. The main conclusions of the study and recommendations were presented to tripartite constituents. (3) The ILO conducted feasibility studies for the establishment of a better coordinated and integrated social protection system in Indonesia through the Single Window Service project in two provinces in 2013 and 2014. The report, Design study of the Single Referral System for Social Protection System in Indonesia, published in December 2014 was endorsed by the Indonesian ministry of Social Affairs. RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results

2015 IDN103 servicios de empleo , prestaciones familiares , atención de salud , seguridad del ingreso , política de empleo , normas de la OIT , protección social de la salud , legislación , niños , invalidez , maternidad , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , vejez , enfermedad , sobrevivientes , desempleo