Result achieved

A policy measure to improve the financial and administrative governance of the social protection system, making it more robust has been adopted and operationalized (Step 3)

Number of countries that have adopted or operationalized policy measures to improve the financial and administrative governance of the social protection system, making it more robust (Step 3)

Linked projects

Outcome summary

A national unified framework for single-window services was adopted

Outcome achieved

To operationalize the IFBSPP, the government is pursuing the creation of a single-window service (SWS) model to deliver its social protection programmes in a more integrated and coherent manner. As of February 2018, the single-window service approach has begun in six (6) pilot districts, and is designed to create a one-stop shop that readily provides information regarding various programmes and criteria, and facilitates assessment, enrolment and payment of benefits for qualifying beneficiaries. As a result of technical assistance provided by the ILO and other development agencies in support of this initiative, the government has now expanded its SWS operations to an additional nine (9) districts in efforts to further roll-out integrated services deliver with the objective of reaching national scale within the Implementation Plan of the 7NDP by the year 2021. Following a workshop held in November 2019, the Government adopted a recommended unified framework for SWS establishment and implementation at district level to be rolled out nationwide. The unified framework was developed following a year and a half of piloting of different SWS models in six (6) pilot districts with support from the ILO and other UN agencies. Beginning in December 2019, the unified framework will be used to establish one-stop shops for social protection in districts in a way that operationalizes service delivery through providing information regarding various programmes and eligibility criteria, and facilitating assessment, enrolment and payment of benefits for qualifying beneficiaries across all social protection programmes administered by Government.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Throughout 2018 and 2019, the ILO, with support from SIDA and DFID, provided direct technical assistance to the development of single-window service mechanisms in two (2) of the pilot districts (in Lunga and Samfya districts in Luapula province). Through this assistance, sensitization meetings with district officials from across various government ministries, agencies and departments were held to raise awareness of government-led efforts to integrate service delivery, under the guiding IFBSPP framework, through the introduction of one-stop shop service centres. The ILO also supported Samfya district in the development of a linkages and referral mechanism to gather data on active social protection programmes and their respective beneficiaries in order to facilitate referrals of households to complementary programmes to which they are eligible. In April 2018, the ILO sponsored trainings for more than 150 participants from all six (6) pilot districts (Lunga, Samfya, Mambwe, Kafue, Mongu and Mpulunga) through district applications of the TRANSFORM Social Protection Learning Package, through which their capacities in programme administration and governance were strengthened. In March and July 2019, the ILO sponsored trainings for more than 270 participants from an additional nine (9) districts slated to join the six (6) pilot districts in adopting a unified framework for SWS delivery nationwide. In November 2019, the ILO organized a lessons-learning and exchange workshop among the six (6) pilot and nine (9) additional districts to develop and endorse a unified framework for SWS operationalization. This framework will be use to expand SWS service delivery approaches in districts nationwide beginning in December 2019.

٢٠١٩ ZMB128 Awareness raising / advocacy , Health care , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Social assistance , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment , Children