Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The law on social security was adopted

Outcome achieved

The Council of Minister approved the law on social security in early August 2019, which was adopted by the National Assembly in late 2019. This new law covers public sector employees, persons defined by the provision of the labour law including personnel serving in the air and maritime transportation and household servants; and the Informal economy (voluntary basis). This law on social security has been developed since early 2018 with a number of consultation with social partners and within the government relevant institutions.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With the financial support of the Republic of Korea and the UN, the ILO provided continued technical assistances to the Government of Cambodia and social partners during 2018. An actuarial study was conducted on pension for public and private sector employees, including recommendations on pension design and policy discussion. The actuarial study and its results and recommendations were presented to the government and social partners during multiple trainings during 2017 and 2018. The ILO also provided a technical review and technical comments to the first draft law on social security in 2018 and facilitated capacity building measures through technical trainings, workshops, policy briefing and high level policy discussion related to social protection principles and pension policy for a number of government officials from the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council (GS-NSPC), relevant ministries, social partners and policy makers.
٢٠١٩ KHM226 Actuarial valuation , Model , Projections