Result achieved
Outcome summary
The National Strategy for Social Protection (NSSP) until 2040 was adopted by the Government in December 2022. It sets three main policy priorities for the social protection sector: (i) institutional modernization of the social protection system, (ii) en...
Outcome achieved
The National Strategy for Social Protection (NSSP) until 2040 was adopted by the Government in December 2022. It sets three main policy priorities for the social protection sector: (i) institutional modernization of the social protection system, (ii) ensuring long-term sustainability of the pension system and (iii) adopting additional protective and incentivizing measures to expand social protection coverage. The NSSP was developed by the National Tripartite Committee on Decent Work (NTCDC).
It is also a result of the ILO and UNCT's 2018 Assessment Based National Dialogue for the Social Protection System and direct technical inputs and consultations with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection between March and October 2022 during the various drafting stages of the NSSP and background documents validated by constituents, the findings of which are included in the NSSP.
ILO's contribution to the outcome
ILO support to constituents included background analysis, technical inputs, and capacity development for key staff of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment, Agency for Social Protection and Public Employment Services. ILO provided technical support to the NTCDC in the drafting of the NSSP and the National Productive Employment Programme 2023-2027 approved on 28 May 2022 which, among other key issues addresses the need to extend social insurance and measures supporting the transition from the informal to formal economy. Key support interventions included: i) three online trainings for 50 constituents and members of the NTCDC in 2022 to increase their capacity to mainstream ILS (C102, C122, R202, R204 and social dialogue) in the two strategies ; ii) seven online webinars (February to June 2023) on integrated case management in social and employment sphere for 40 staff (30 % were women) of two Ministries and Agencies working on employment and social protection and regional employment and social protection services. They resulted in the development of a guide for the implementation of integrated case management; iii) methodology development and guidance for the Research Institute under the Ministry of Labour to conduct surveys on the adequacy of a minimum consumption basket and appropriateness of the methodology. The survey was validated by constituents and published in April 2023.
ILO supported the Federation of Trade Unions during 5 sub-regional trainings for 100 members (October 2022 to March 2023) focusing on outreach to workers in the informal economy and extension of social protection.
Key reports developed with or by constituents with ILO's support: the Public Expenditure and Institutional Review of the Social Protection System; Composition, Structure and Affordability of Minimum Consumption Basket; and Rapid Assessment of the Situation of Workers in Informal Economy.
Gender equality & non-discrimination
(NB for 8.1)Most of the indicators as part of the quantitative component of the diagnostic highlight the respective situation of women and men, whether in terms of access to employment and notably formal employment (discussing the issue of social norms in this regards) or in terms of working conditions and notably a persisting gender wage gap and differentiated access to social security benefits that differs for women across economic sectors. The gender dimension is also covered as part of the recommendation, including in relation to the redistribution of unpaid work.
(NB for 3.1 gender marker 1)
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all