Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Social Security Board improved its administration including through the development of an management information system

Outcome achieved

In December 2018, the Social Security Board (SSB) improved its organization plan in preparation for the upcoming development of a new Social Protection Management Information System (SSIS) and it has also strengthened its administrative infrastructure with assembling an IT team in the same year. The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MoSWRR) is in the process of developing the new Social Protection Information System. ILO developed and SSB implemented Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) of 4 Processes for Employment Injury Insurance schemes to improve the efficiency of the scheme in June 2019. Rapid assessment on Social Security Board’s Provider Purchaser Split Pilot to assess current challenges and opportunity for efficient service delivery from February to July 2019

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With support from the Government of Republic of Korea, the ILO provided technical assistance to SSB during 2018 / 2019 to: • form a new organization plan in preparation for upcoming development of a new SSIS, • provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Social Welfare in their effort to develop a Social Protection Management Information System • develop a comprehensive M&E Framework for SSB. With support from the Government of Luxembourg, the ILO provided technical assistance on administrative reform to Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement in 2018 -2019 to: • pilot four streamlined Employment Injury Insurance (EII) processes in Yangon and Mandalay from 1st June to 30 Nov 2019; • develop a new layout (separation of front and back office) for SSB branch offices to enhance their productivity; • develop the M&E framework for EII Pilot, support SSB for baseline and mid-term evaluation of the pilot; • out of total 15 streamlined business processes, develop a Standard Operation Procedures for four processes related to Employment Injury insurance scheme. In the same context, the ILO provided technical assistance on administrative reform to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement during 2018 -2019 to: • conduct rapid assessment on Social Security Board’s Provider Purchaser Split pilot to assess current challenges and opportunity for efficient service delivery, • develop two technical notes for SSB on extension of their network of health care services and role of SSB in pursing Universal Health Coverage in Myanmar, • develop the Myanmar Health Financing Strategy by Ministry of Health and Sports.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The project makes sure both genders have the equal opportunity to participate in the training or having access to information we provided, and we are fully aware that majority of insured workers are women and we make sure their voices are heard and reflected in our activities


  • Number of persons with a better access to social protection (single registry, online application, one stop srvice)
    Total: 1 000 000
2018 MMR151 administration , sensibilisation / plaidoyer , renforcement des capacités , crise , financement , analyse d'impact , suivi/évaluation , statistiques , contrôle / surveillance , Digital transformation