Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

1)The Lao Social Security Organisation piloted a mobile registration and payment service in 3 villages of Vientiane Capital in May-July 2023, and compiled the successes and lessons for future expansion to three districts in the country in Q1-2024. The p...

Outcome achieved

1)The Lao Social Security Organisation piloted a mobile registration and payment service in 3 villages of Vientiane Capital in May-July 2023, and compiled the successes and lessons for future expansion to three districts in the country in Q1-2024. The pilots successfully registered 22% of the turnout at the villages and offered important lessons for the scale up. A new District Social Security Office was opened at Paksong District, one of the SOLAR (Reducing Vulnerability in Lao PDR: Advancing Social Protection and Labour Rights and Entitlements in the Coffee and Tea Sectors) Project's target areas. The LSSO organised village dissemination meetings in three southern districts targeted for the piloting in 2024, to facilitate the creation of a network of social protection promoters from amongst village chiefs and leaders of agricultural producer groups, and to raise awareness among villagers. Further outreach was done in coordination with Oxfam and local civil society groups in rural and remote areas. Capacities of local social security and labour office staff are being built to conduct information campaigns in villages and enterprises in late 2023 and 2024. 2)Four Worker Information Centres were set up in Southern Lao PDR in May 2023, to provide information on social security, OSH and related labour rights measures to rural workers in a simple and tailored manner. These were set up existing government or employer associations’ offices and the respective staff trained on the information materials.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

1) The ILO, with funding from the EU, supported the LSSO's pilot mobile registration and payment service in 2023 and planned its expansion in Q1-2024. ILO also supported the Paksong District Social Security Office, the Worker Information Centres with preparation and publication of training and advocacy materials, and the village dissemination meetings. ILO conducted a Training of Trainers (TOT) on basic social protection in June 2022 for LSSO and government staff as well as civil society groups to support implementation and advocacy efforts. 26 people, comprising of 11 women and 15 men, were trained at the TOT. The ILO supported long-term capacity building of LSSO staff with participation of 3 Lao government officials to the Master's degree on Social Health Protection and primary health care management, at Mahidol University. The ILO also provided technical support to the Masters’ programme, through lectures and mobilization of international experts. 2)ILO supported the establishment of the 4 Worker Information Centres through the design of the Centres, production of training and advocacy materials, working with the national staff to set up the materials, and training to the staff on how to advocate and communicate to visitors.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The MOLSW adopted the Management of Domestic Workers, No. 4369 / MoLSW, on 02/11/2022. This decision sets out the regulations on management, monitoring and inspection of employers of domestic workers. This is to ensure safe and fair work to protect the rights and interests of workers under the law and regulations. It sets out that employers have to facilitate their domestic workers to register with social security. If the domestic workers are not members of LSSO, employers are responsible for the cost of sickness, injury or death of the worker.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
2023 LAO226 8.2.1 administration , gouvernance