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Outcome summary

The National Strategy for Contributory Social Security 2019-2024 has been submitted to the Council of Ministers

Outcome achieved

The National Institute for Social Security (INSS) has developed the National Strategy for Contributory Social Security 2019-2024 (ENSSO) in 2018. The strategy will operationalise the delivery of contributory social protection programmes in Mozambique. The strategy has been submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security in March 2019 for endorsement by the CCT (Labour Consultative Council) and onward submission to Council of Ministers by December 2019. The ENSSO 2019-2024 outlines key actions to ensure that the right to social security is extended to all the working population. ENSSO is structured in two pillars, one focusing on addressing challenges regarding formal - private sector - employees and another one focused on measures to overcome specific issues preventing own-account workers in the informal economy to access social security benefits. The ENSSO includes principles promoted by the ILO’s Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, No. 102 (1952) related to contributory social security schemes, and is guided by R202 and R204 regarding the extension of coverage of the social security system in Mozambique. The ENSSO includes a pillar on the extension of coverage to workers on the informal economy aiming at addressing the specific challenges this group is facing in Mozambique to effectively access social security benefits, considering the size of the informal economy in Mozambique.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With support from ACTION/Portugal (Strengthening Social Protection Floors in PALOP countries, the ILO has been providing support to constituents involving Government, Workers and Employers organizations and other national stakeholders to draft the National Strategy for Contributory Social Security (ENSSO) in 2016-2018. ILO has contributed including by: - bringing international experts on the matter to prepare an assessment on the situation of contributory social security system in Mozambique, - leading, jointly with INSS, the inter-ministerial task-force created to prepare the ENSSO, - drafting the ENSSO itself and - creating the forum for national dialogue facilitating a series of technical workshops to discuss the proposal and build consensus among constituents. ILO organized a series of technical workshops (May 2016 – Maputo; November 2016 – Maputo; February 2017 – Maputo; May 2017 – Maputo; March 2018 – Maputo), to discuss the draft and finalize ENSSO in a national dialogue process including all constituents, with an average attendance of 40 participants. Throughout the process the principles enshrined in ILO’s international social security standards have been promoted through awareness-raising and ILO contributions to the drafting of the ENSSO. The ILO provided guidance related to the extension of social protection coverage to vulnerable groups, including workers in the informal economy in line also with R204. Through the technical workshops, indicated above, it helped to raise awareness on the options to include informal economy workers in the folds of social security coverage.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

Decree 47/2018 that regulates basic social protection programmes approved in August 2018 by the Council of Ministers gives focus on female-headed households as a priority target group for the social protection programme PASP (Productive Social Action Programme).
2019 MOZ106 sensibilisation / plaidoyer , soins de santé , assistance sociale , normes de l'OIT , législation , enfants , travailleurs de l'économie informelle , travailleurs ruraux , travailleurs indépendants , invalidité , maternité , accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles , vieillesse , maladie , survivants , chômage