Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

A new Social Security Law (Social Security Law No. 7 for the Year 2013) adopted by Parliament in December 2013 to extend social security coverage to new social security benefits and to those previously excluded from social security.

Outcome achieved

A new Social Security Law (Social Security Law No. 7 for the Year 2013) adopted by Parliament in December 2013 to extend social security coverage to new social security benefits and to those previously excluded from social security.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Office carried out the 7th actuarial review of the SSC and presented the results in March 2013 to the Jordanian Social Security Corporation (SSC).Staff of the SSC was also trained on actuarial and financial techniques. Assistance for a package of social security reforms was provided by the Office in 2012- 2013, including: - A legal assessment of the Temporary Social Security Law No. 7 of 2010 in the light of international social security standards and good social security practice (submitted in March 2013). ILO Recommendations were included in the new law which was adopted in 2013. - Report on the implementation of the new unemployment and maternity benefit schemes (submitted in March 2013).

٢٠١٣ JOR105 Employment services , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , Financing , ILO standards , Social health protection , Legislation , Social dialogue , Actuarial valuation , Maternity , Old-age , Model , Unemployment , Projections