Result achieved

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Outcome summary

The policy options for reforming end-of-service indemnity into a pension system for private sector workers have been prepared in consultation with tripartite stakeholders

Outcome achieved

The policy options for reforming end-of-service indemnity into a pension system for private sector workers have been prepared in consultation with tripartite stakeholders (government, National Social Security Fund (NSSF), General Confederation of Lebanese Workers (CGTL), Association for Lebanese Industrialist (ALI), Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (FCCIB). The policy options for reforming the existing scheme under the NSSF were developed in line with ILO Convention no. 102. All studies, and workshop which have been carried out by the ILO, as well as all policy advice provided to the Government and social partners, contained reference to international social security standards and in particular the Social Security (Minimum Standards), Convention, 1952 (No. 102)., Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) and worldwide good practices. Women in Lebanon face key gender-related issues within social protection framework, such as gender discrimination within the NSSF. Gender-sensitivity is neglected by institutions, law, policies, and programmes in Lebanon. In this regard, the ILO insured that women participation was highly present representing the government and social partners during the consultation meetings concerning the policy discussions. Thus, the policy options were guided by gender equality and non-discrimination considerations. The policy options in this case do not have any implications on environmental sustainability or climate change.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO developed an actuarial valuation taking into account several scenarios to respond to the Lebanese context and the needs of the tripartite constituents. The ILO also developed a legal assessment of the proposed “project social security law” of 2018. The ILO carried out several extensive consultations to validate the different options with tripartite stakeholders in January, February, April, June, and July 2019. The ILO reflected the minimum guarantees of the Convention no. 102 in the different policy options. The workshops and round table meetings which have been carried out by the ILO, as well as all policy advice provided to the Government and social partners, contained reference to international social security standards and in particular to the Social Security (Minimum Standards), Convention, 1952 (No. 102), and worldwide good practices. In addition, during the design process of the different pension plans, the minimum guarantees of ILO’s Convention No.102 were referred to or included. The ILO ensured that gender equality is maintained throughout the different policy options. The reform of end-of-service indemnity into a pension plan will cover women in the same way as men. Thus, it contributes to strengthening women's access to and inclusion in the Labour Market by promoting equality and non-discrimination. The policy options in this case do not have any implications on environmental sustainability or climate change.
2019 LBN153 evaluación actuarial , modelo , normas de la OIT , legislación , proyecciones , diálogo social