Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

Actuarial valuation of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) submitted and accepted by the SSC in March 2013. Employers’ and workers’ representatives on the governing body of the scheme were consulted.

Outcome achieved

Actuarial valuation of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) submitted and accepted by the SSC in March 2013. Employers’ and workers’ representatives on the governing body of the scheme were consulted. A Tripartite SPF Advisory Board established by the Prime Minister in September 2012. Social Protection Floor (SPF) cost assessment endorsed by Tripartite SPF Advisory Board (December 2013).

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Prepared the 7th actuarial review of the SSC and provided capacity building of SSC staff on actuarial techniques. Assistance provided for the establishment of the Tripartite SPF Advisory Board and Terms of Reference of the Board were drafted by the Office and adopted by newly established Board. A comprehensive study on the establishment of a national SPF (including costing study and finding the fiscal space) was carried out and presented to the Tripartite SPF Advisory Board (December 2013). An awareness strategy around the SPF developed and implemented (December 2013).

2013 JOR105