Result achieved

Outcome summary

A national monitoring and evaluation framework for social protection has been developed

Outcome achieved

A National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Social Protection was developed in 2019. It is supported by monitoring reporting tools and guidelines. The National M&E Framework enables the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, through the State Department on Social Protection, to monitor and report on social protection programmes and schemes. The information feeds into regional and international reporting requirements.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

ILO financed and supported the government to organize a training in April 2019 on social protection monitoring and evaluation which included reporting on SDG indicator 1.3.1. The training brought together 30 participants drawn from relevant social protection ministries, departments and agencies, Federation of Kenya Employers, UN agencies (FAO , UNICEF, WFP), Kenya Red Cross, Association of Pension Administrators of Kenya. The ILO also shared a list of indicators with the Social Protection Secretariat to guide the development of the monitoring and reporting tools and provided guidance on reporting on SDG indicator 1.3.1 and the Social Security Inquiry questionnaire.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

Scaled up male engagement in HIV testing services as men are lagging behind in accessing HIV services was an important component of the social protection sensitization forums conducted for workers in the male-dominated transport sector. Social Protection Investment Plan and the revised National Social Protection Policy progressively transition the country to universal social protection programmes which are inclusive and non-discriminatory
٢٠١٩ KEN101 Health care , Social assistance , Children , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Impact evaluation , Old-age , Sickness , Monitoring/evaluation , Survivors , Unemployment , Statistics