Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

In 2023, after consultations and with agreement of the social partners, the Council of Ministers adopted relevant amendments to the social insurance law, enabling an extension of benefit coverage to self-employed workers, including those in non-standard...

Outcome achieved

In 2023, after consultations and with agreement of the social partners, the Council of Ministers adopted relevant amendments to the social insurance law, enabling an extension of benefit coverage to self-employed workers, including those in non-standard forms of employment, so that they would be entitled to similar benefits to those of salaried employees, thereby enhancing their access to social protection. It is expected that approximately 31,000 self-employed persons will benefit from the above extension of additional benefit coverage, which represents approximately 6 per cent of the total active contributing (insured) population.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

During the first quarter of 2023, the ILO conducted an actuarial assessment, primarily to measure the financial impact of the proposed extension of General Social Insurance Scheme (GSIS) unemployment and employment injury benefits to self-employed workers. The above assessment was supplemented by an ILO policy and legal assessment in order to ensure that the proposed provisions of the above GSIS benefits to be granted to self-employed workers are in line with international best practices and the relevant ILO International Standards. During the second quarter of 2023, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (MLSI) developed the amendments which were adopted by Parliament.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2023 CYP101 8.1.1 législation