Result achieved

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Outcome summary

The government has approved the Contribution Based Social Security Rules, 20754 (20187)

Outcome achieved

1.The government has approved the Contribution Based Social Security Rules, 20754 (20187). The rules were first drafted by a bi-partite committee of experts from workers ’ and employers’ organisations and submitted to the Government. The Government, taking inputs from the draft of Workers’and Employers’ Organisations, drafted a new version, which was then finalised through series of meetings among the tripartite representatives. The Contribution Based Social Security Rules, 20754 (20187) are very much guided by social dialogue and are based on the ILO Convention 102 as the Contribution-based social Security Act, 2017 is guided by C 102. For implementation, medicare and maternity protection has been prioritised so that more women in formal employment can benefit from the new Social Security Rules.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO provided technical and financial support to a bipartite working group to draft the social security rules based on the ILO’s comments and recommendations. ILO’s support facilitated the efficient negotiation among tripartite partners and in speeding up the tripartite endorsement of the Social Security Rules 2018. ILO provided expert’s support to review the Contribution Based Social Security Rules, 20754 (20187), and provided recommendations to improve these Rules in line with international labour standards, in particular C102 and R202. The ILO conducted actuarial valuation for the maternity scheme and recommended to prioritize its implementation among the 5 schemes for which actuarial valuations were conducted.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

Maternity protection schemes will specifically benefit women workers in the formal sector.
٢٠١٩ NPL101 Health care , Maternity , Social health protection , Social dialogue