Result achieved

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Outcome summary

1. The Government of Mozambique in 2023 increased fiscal space (budgetary allocation) dedicated to non-contributory social protection programmes by more than MZN 2 billion (USD 31.3 million) from MZN 4.7 billion in 2022 to MZN 6.8 billion in 2023. Meanw...

Outcome achieved

1. The Government of Mozambique in 2023 increased fiscal space (budgetary allocation) dedicated to non-contributory social protection programmes by more than MZN 2 billion (USD 31.3 million) from MZN 4.7 billion in 2022 to MZN 6.8 billion in 2023. Meanwhile, total allocation including external support has also increased by almost MZN 5 billion (USD 76.6 million) from MZN 6.1 billion in 2022 to MZN 11 billion in 2023. This significant increase allowed the non-contributory pillar of the social protection system in Mozambique to expand coverage in 2023 radically, having as a set target to reach almost 1 million beneficiaries by December 2023, jumping from the previous 600,000 beneficiaries reached in 2022 though the cash transfer programmes implemented by National Institute of Social Security (INAS). With this expansion, in 2023 is expected that 33% of households living below the poverty line will benefit from INAS programmes (in 2022 only around 22% did). 2. On 25 November 2022, the 4th consecutive Mozambique’s National Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection was developed, published and disseminated. The analysis on social protection highlights key indicators on coverage, expenditure and adequacy revealed that there are still vulnerable groups especially persons with disabilities, children, women and old-age persons not yet covered by the existing social protection schemes in Mozambique.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

1. As part of recommendations emerging from the International Labour Conference and the IMF policy recommendations, the ILO and the IMF engaged in policy dialogue on social protection leading to a first pilot phase of ILO-IMF cooperation on social protection in Mozambique running from November 2021 to December 2022. During 2022, several technical meetings were held between ILO and IMF at country level and with the Mozambique authorities (Ministry of Finance) in the framework of the negotiations for a new IMF Extended Credit Facility programme with Mozambique ultimately approved in May 2022. Throughout these negotiations, the ILO provided regular technical advice and advocacy for social protection extension in line with international labour standards. As a result, social protection was given special attention in the agreement ultimately reached. In the resulting IMF programme, the fiscal space for non-contributory social protection in Mozambique was significantly enhanced for the next 3 years. 2. Through the ACTION/Portugal project, the ILO provided technical support to the development of the bulletin. This was done through a technical retreat for training on social protection statistics and elaborating the Fourth Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection organized in April 2022, support to the design, printing and dissemination of the publication, which was launched in a dedicated High-Level ceremony in the framework of the Social Protection Week in November 2022.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The latest edition of the National Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection highlights key indicators on coverage, expenditure and adequacy, which revealed that there are still vulnerable groups especially disabled women and the elderly not yet covered by the existing social protection schemes in Mozambique. Therefore, the extension of social protection coverage, including that made possible through the ILO-IMF cooperation and adoption of the ENSSO, has contributed to enhancing gender equality and non-discrimination through the deliberate targeting of these vulnerable groups such as elderly and disabled women.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
2023 MOZ106 8.2.1 financiación