Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Government of Malawi adopted in December 2023 the findings of a fiscal space analysis and social protection floor costing assessment carried out between October 2022 to March 2023. The report identifies the gaps in coverage and options through whic...

Outcome achieved

The Government of Malawi adopted in December 2023 the findings of a fiscal space analysis and social protection floor costing assessment carried out between October 2022 to March 2023. The report identifies the gaps in coverage and options through which resources for social protection can be mobilized and examines the feasibility of generating revenues to finance the extension of social protection across the life cycle. The study provided recommendations including the need to promote potential mechanisms (existing and new) to increase financing for non-contributory programmes, assess the feasibility and potential gains of introducing more comprehensive social insurance schemes, target the most vulnerable, and improve the capacity of government and key stakeholders in financial management and financing for social protection.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With support from the European Union the ILO undertook data collection and analysis for the costing and fiscal space assessment for a social protection floor in Malawi. The analysis informed the development of the financing options in the assessment. Meanwhile, the ILO also assisted in the coordination of government consultations on the fiscal space analysis for Malawi.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The Social Cash Transfer Strategic Plan contributes to strengthening gender inclusive social protection by recognizing that poverty is higher among female headed households than among the general population thereby advocating the principle of inclusivity in promoting access to social protection. The social protection policy measures propose the use of participatory strategies to involve women men and youth in design, implementation, monitoring and review of programs and collection of adequate and relevant sex-disaggregated data as well as the use of gender responsive indicators and monitoring processes as a minimum standard for programme implementation.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
٢٠٢٢ MWI152 8.2.1 National strategies