Result achieved

Outcome summary

(1) Following a broad national consultative process including with social partners, the Government of Uzbekistan adopted the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy 2022-2026 (NDS) in January 2022 with 7 core pillars of the one of which explicitly relates t...

Outcome achieved

(1) Following a broad national consultative process including with social partners, the Government of Uzbekistan adopted the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy 2022-2026 (NDS) in January 2022 with 7 core pillars of the one of which explicitly relates to "pursuing a fair social policy and development of human capital". The strategy sets an ambitious goal of halving the current 11% poverty rate by 2026. (2) The Government of Uzbekistan adopted in July 2022 the National Social Protection Strategy 2030 (NSPS). Social partners participated in all stages of the drafting process. With the NSPS, the Government is pursuing the goal of the extension of social protection coverage and alignment with international social security standards. The NSPS aims to increase persons covered with at least one social protection benefit from 42% to 54 % until 2025. The strategy addresses all risks across the lifecycle and places equal emphasis on income security and supports the extension of coverage to workers in informal economy. Emphasis is placed on strengthening social insurance with Government committed to draft the social insurance code by the end of 2023; further alignment of national legislation and ratification of the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) by 2025, and the progressive alignment of national legislation with the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102).

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(1) ILO was consulted in the process of drafting NDS and provided inputs related to social development, social protection and employment. (2) With ILO's assistance, provided with RBSA resources, and the support of other UN agencies, constituents drafted the NSPS 2030, the implementation Action Plan until 2026 and costed key programmes. In the process, 5 trainings from January to November 2022 were conducted on social security standards, employment and maternity benefits design, social protection budgeting, financing and identification of fiscal space for social protection. 80 constituents, of whom approximately 35 % were women attended the trainings. - Uzbekistan was one of 4 countries globally where ILO-IMF collaboration was piloted in 2022-23 which resulted in social protection being discussed in IMF’s Article IV report and a paper prepared and delivered in collaboration with the IMF on fiscal space for social protection. The joint collaboration also resulted in the inclusion of workers and employers’ organisations by IMF in discussions on Article IV and fiscal space for social protection, as well as presentations by the IMF at ILO organised workshops for workers representatives from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. -Fiscal space options for social protection were identified in collaboration with IMF and validated by constituents. Four working groups consisting of representatives of line ministries and social partners were engaged in drafting analysis and measures for NSPS. Working groups based their work from January to June 2022, on ToRs developed by ILO in collaboration with UNICEF and the technical facilitation by the agencies. A rapid survey among the youth regarding their satisfaction with and expectations from social protection was carried out in March 2022 and results included in NSPS.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
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