Result achieved
Linked projects
Outcome summary
The Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue Towards a nationally defined social protection floor (ABND) Report was launched and endorsed by BAPPENAS (Ministry of Planning and Development) on 6 December 2012.Outcome achieved
The Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue Towards a nationally defined social protection floor (ABND) Report was launched and endorsed by BAPPENAS (Ministry of Planning and Development) on 6 December 2012. The report includes recommendations and costing estimates for future policy options for the government to extend social security coverage to uncovered groups.
ILO's contribution to the outcome
The Office, in close collaboration with relevant line ministries and the UN subworking group on the social protection floor in Indonesia conducted the ABND exercise including consultations with social partners and other stakeholders. In addition to consultations, focus group discussions, literature reviews and workshops were carried out; technical support to the Government and constituents was provided for activities related to pursuing the policy recommendations included in the ABND report, particularly workshops on the Single Window Service (SWS) were organized. The recommendations and cost projections contained in the report were recognised by the government as useful tools to inform on-going policy discussions in the framework of the implementation of the new social security law (Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional, SJSN) as well as the further extension of anti-poverty programmes. The Office also conducted capacity building activities for social partners and stakeholders. 70 union leaders at the provincial level were trained throughout the ABND process, in 2011 and 2012, and in four provinces (NTT, Maluku, East Java and Maluku) so that they can contribute to policy formulation notably in the field of on-going social security reforms.