Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

National experts are trained.

Outcome achieved

National experts are trained, through participatory evaluations and capacity building activities, to create a body of social security officials with a better understanding of social security (legal drafting, financing, management and administration). 52 government officials attended formal training activities (which included 25 from the Social Security Board, 5 from Ministry of Health, 12 from the Department of Social Welfare, 5 from the Ministry of Education and 5 from the Department of Rural Development.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO within the framework of the MoU with the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, provided support to the Social Security Board (SSB) to build internal capacities and tools to improve its financial management, namely by: - Undertaking evaluation (in partnership with the Myanmar Development Resource Institute) of the SSB operations, including concrete recommendations to improve the management and operations of the schemes. It was shared with tripartite constituents and published. - Providing support to assess the quality of its healthcare facilities and investigated the possible technical options to extend its network of healthcare providers. The findings were compiled in a report which was shared with the Social Security Board and the Ministry of Health as well as other relevant development partners within the framework of the health financing working group. - Providing support with the collection and analysis of data on membership, contributions, and benefits. - Providing support for the production of a preliminary financial model for the four existing schemes (medical care, sickness, maternity, work injury). - Capacity building on social security financing and actuarial modelling (i.e. 25 officials of the SSB, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health).

2015 MMR128 services de l'emploi , prestations familiales , soins de santé , sécurité de revenu , politique de l'emploi , protection sociale de la santé , enfants , invalidité , maternité , accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles , vieillesse , maladie , survivants , chômage