Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The assessment of the social protection situation in Indonesia

Outcome achieved

(1)The assessment of the social protection situation in Indonesia was based on a number of consultations with all relevant ministries, institutions, workers’ and employers’ representatives at both the provincial and national levels, and United Nations (UN) agencies participating in Indonesia’s UNPDF sub-working group on the SPF. (2) Four Indonesian Trade Unions' confederations (KSPI, KSBI, KSPSI-Rekonsiliasi and KSPSI-Congres Jakarta) and THE Indonesian employers' association (APINDO) were closely involved in the discussions at each stage of the actuarial valuation of the proposed pension scheme and the recommendations were disseminated to and discussed with workers and employers's organizations. (3) The workers unions and APINDO have also been closely involved with the development of the Integrated Referral System concept.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(1) Government, workers and employers' representatives were associated in the discussions during the ABND. (2) ILO conducted an actuarial training for the tripartite constituents including representatives of each of the 4 workers'union confederation and representatives of the Indonesian employer's association (APINDO) during a workshop in November 2014. The results of the actuarial valuation and ILO's recommendation were shared and discussed with the tripartite constituents during bilateral meetings with unions and workers between November 2014 and July 2015 and also during the third Indonesian Industrial Relation Convention in May 2015. (3)In addition to the fact that the idea of better coordinating social protection programmes in Indonesia was a recommendation of the ABND, in which workers and employers' organizations were closely associated, the concept development (under the single window service project) has been discussed with the tripartite constituents. Workers and employers' organizations have also been associated in the discussions during the launch of the design study. RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results

٢٠١٥ IDN103 Employment services , Family benefits , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , ILO standards , Social health protection , Legislation , Children , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment