Result achieved
Linked projects
Outcome summary
The «Understanding for a Practical Arrangement on Payments to the Victims of the Rana Plaza Accident and their Families and Dependants for their Losses» agreed by representatives of all major stakeholders on 20 November 2013.Outcome achieved
The «Understanding for a Practical Arrangement on Payments to the Victims of the Rana Plaza Accident and their Families and Dependants for their Losses» agreed by representatives of all major stakeholders on 20 November 2013. The decision regarding the design of benefits was made at by the RPCC on 2 December 2013. The Rana Plaza Compensation Claims processing has been completed at 90% by August 2015. The national public consultation on establishment of a national employment injury insurance (EII) scheme concluded, 24 February 2015. A draft EII Feasibility Study submitted in August 2015.
ILO's contribution to the outcome
The ILO has been providing independent technical and advisory support acting as a neutral chair of the Rana Plaza Coordination Committee (RPCC) since mid-2013. The objective of the RPCC was to develop a comprehensive and independent process that would deliver support to the victims, their families and dependants in a predictable manner consistent with international labour standards. The ILO has, amongst other support: - Drafted the legal provisions governing the RPCA based on C.121; - Developed and completed in 2014-15 the Administrative Calculation Tool to register benefit claims and to calculate benefits audited; - Prepared in 2015 a Technical Report on the Rana Plaza Scheme Design and Operationalization, and Lessons Learnt; - Set-up a Repository and official platform in December 2013 for the Rana Plaza Compensation Arrangement (; - Prepared several press releases and media coverage closely articulated with BetterWorks in 2013, 2014 and 2015. - Developed a video on the Rana Plaza Legacy for Employment Injury Insurance in April 2015. Lessons learnt from the Rana Plaza compensation arrangement has led national counterparts to request the ILO to provide support for the introduction of a national Employment Injury Scheme for workers in the Ready Made Garment sector and supply chain workers. Awareness raising through a video on Rana Plaza legacy and the need for a national employment injury insurance system. Partnerships are concluded on supporting the EII endeavour. RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results