Result achieved

A social protection scheme to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits has been adopted or reformed (Step 2)

Number of countries that have adopted or reformed social protection schemes to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits (Step 2)

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Prime Minister enacted Decree 143/ND-CP dated 15/10/2018 extending social protection benefits to migrant workers.

Outcome achieved

The Prime Minister enacted Decree 143/ND-CP dated 15/10/2018 extending social protection benefits to migrant workers. The new provision will ensure foreig workers in Viet Nam to be covered by the SI system. It also creates nessessary condition for Viet Nam to sign bilateral agreement with countries recceiving Vietnamese workers to enable them covered by social protection system in recceiving countries. The Prime Minister’s Decree 143/ND-CP dated 15/10/2018 on extension of social protection benefits to migrant workers is in line with the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, 1990, ILO convention C102, Recommedation 202. The new Decree on on extension of social protection benefits to migrant workers (Decree 143/ND-CP) promotes the principles of equality of treatment between nationals and non-nationals in terms of coverage and entitlement to social security benefits, stated in the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990). The Government and the ILO jointly developed one technical note aiming to identify the poverty, vulnerability and natural disaster context and the rationale for and global experience around risk-informed and shock responsive social protection. The technical note provided an overview of the current social assistance and disaster risk management systems and the challenges and opportunities to further linking of these systems.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The comments that the ILO provided to the proposed Decree on extension of social protection benefits to migrant workers were made in alignment with international labour standards related to social security and labour migrations. The ILO provided comments on the proposed Decree in a direction that equality of treatment between nationals and non-nationals should be ensured in terms of coverage and entitlement to social security benefits. The Decree guides the implementation of the provisions of the existing Social Insurance Law related to compulsory social insurance for migrant workers in Viet Nam. The comments provided were illustrated by specific country experiences, to the extent relevant. The ILO, with the support of the ILO/Irish Aid project, and in partnership with FAO, supported MOLISA to conduct a review study and consultations on the issues of disaster-informed and shock-responsive social protection system that allows proactive approaches and builds long-term resilience against disasters/shocks. Recommendations drawwn were provided to MOLISA for strengthening Viet Nam’s social assistance system to better support households before, during and after natural disasters. On 16 May 2018, the ILO in collaboration with MOLISA organized a workshop to disseminate the report.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The technical notes on rationale for increasing retirement age (May 2018) submitted to MOLISA included a proposal for equalizing the retirement age between men and women. Such measure will have a significant gender impacts, which will ensure the rights of working and the rights to social adequacy of millions of Vietnamese women. The National Master Plan on Social Insurance Reform (MPSIR) endorsed by the Government in May 2018 aims at a high quality and comprehensive national social insurance system that offers income security to all citizens across the lifecycle, protects the workers in both formal and informal sectors. The Technical note on Multi-Tiered Child Benefits submitted to the Government as the inputs for developing Social Insurance Short-terms Benefit packages proposes to introduce a child/family benefit to cover 100% children in Viet Nam from 0-15. If the proposal is endorsed by the Government of Viet Nam, it will help to improve gender equality in Viet Nam. In particular, it will offers public transfers or services to families alleviating the private burden of care—disproportionately borne by women around the world— which can enable women to remain in or re-join the workforce. The ILO also supports MOLISA to submit a proposal to the Government of Viet Nam to introduce a multi-tiered maternity benefit that ensures the right to income protection during maternity for all. If this is endorsed it is expected to increase the coverage of maternity benefits from 30% at the moment to 100% of the pregnancy female population. The ILO is supporting VGCL to improve their staff’s knowledge and skills for communication work on health insurance system and maternity protection for female factory workers.
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