Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

As of December 2017, the new unemployment insurance scheme has been effectively developed and set up.

Outcome achieved

Following the adoption of a policy framework for the unemployment insurance scheme by the Cabinet and the tripartite constituents in November 2015, the Government of Oman and the social partners have taken several steps to move from policy to implementation, including agreeing on the policy design, administrative issues and the financing mechanism. As of December 2017, the new unemployment insurance scheme has been effectively developed and set up.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

In 2016, the ILO carried out the feasibility study for setting up an unemployment insurance scheme for Oman, including an actuarial valuation. The ILO, together with the tripartite constituents, developed a policy design for the proposed unemployment insurance scheme and assisted the Government in drafting an unemployment insurance law (November–December 2016). The ILO carried out a study on administrative issues relevant to the implementation of the new unemployment insurance scheme (December 2016– January 2017). In 2017, the ILO carried out two missions to Oman, to provide technical support to the Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI), and to identify and select the best financing mechanism for the new unemployment insurance scheme. The ILO also supported PASI in revising the unemployment insurance law according to the latest changes.

2017 OMN154 services de l'emploi , sécurité de revenu , politique de l'emploi , évaluation actuarielle , model , normes de l'OIT , législation , chômage , projections