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Outcome summary

The Sultan of Oman issued on 19 July 2023 Royal Decree No. 52/2023 promulgating the Social Protection Law, which radically reshapes the social protection system and introduces new universal benefits for a range of lifecycle risks, including for all chil...

Outcome achieved

The Sultan of Oman issued on 19 July 2023 Royal Decree No. 52/2023 promulgating the Social Protection Law, which radically reshapes the social protection system and introduces new universal benefits for a range of lifecycle risks, including for all children under age 18, for all individuals with a permanent disability requiring care or support, and for all individuals above age 60. Social partners have been closely engaged in the development of the new legislation. Other key aspects of the reforms include the integration of contributory and non-contributory instruments to address lifecycle risks and vulnerabilities in an effective manner, and provides a sustainable model for social protection financing that integrates resources from social contributions and general revenue to ensure solidarity and fairness, and contributes substantively to poverty, vulnerability and inequality reduction. The reforms set a new regional benchmark for alignment with international labour standards in the area of social security, and the progressive realization of a rights-based universal social protection framework, in line with ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202).

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The newly approved legislation, developed with the support of the ILO. The ILO has worked in close partnership with Tawazun, the high-level government programme for fiscal balance (now Estidamah), and ILO constituents in Oman to support the social protection reforms agenda. This has entailed the provision of technical assistance on policy, legal, governance, actuarial and socioeconomic modelling aspects of the reforms through a team of ILO technical experts.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

New provisions in Oman’s social protection law will provide stronger protections for women and pave way to greater gender equality. This includes: a) Guaranteeing a pension in old age, de-linked from previous contributions, which will disproportionately benefit women; b) A guaranteed minimum survivors’ benefit for widows and orphans will ensure the ability to maintain a minimum standard of living after the death of a spouse or parent c) New government-funded universal benefits for children and persons with disability will also support women, who typically bear the burden of care at home; d) the extension of maternity and paternity benefits, marking Oman out as a leader among Arab States. The new system will provide women with a longer leave, consistent with ILO minimum standards, during which the Social Protection Fund will cover the cost of pension contributions. In addition, with the new law, Oman will introduce seven days of job-protected paid paternity leave at 100 per cent of salary.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
2023 OMN154 8.1.1 trabajadores migrantes , estrategias nacionales