Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

Extension of social protection and unemployment insurance.

Outcome achieved

1. Extension of social protection: Party Resolution 15 on social policies approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party in June 2012 which aims to achieve social security for the whole population by 2020. 2. Unemployment insurance (UI): The Employment Promotion Law was adopted in November 2013. It reflects, among other aspects, ILO’s recommendation to extend unemployment insurance coverage to all enterprises with at least one employee, and all employees with at least 3 months contract (currently, the UI law covers enterprises with at least 10 employees with contract of at least 12 months). New Decree on Penalties For Administrative Violations Against Regulations On Labor, Social Insurance, And Overseas Manpower Supply (Decree 95/2013/NĐ-CP on August 22nd 2013) was adopted by the Government in 2013. The Decree No. 100/2012/ND-CP and its guiding Circular 32 No. 04/2013/TT-BLDTBXH were amended respectively on 21 November 2012 and 1 March 2013. These amendments aim at easing the UI claims procedures which is expected to result in an increase in the number of beneficiaries among those eligible.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

1. The ILO provided technical services to the government. In particular the ILO prepared and discussed with all stakeholders a report on analysis of Viet Nam National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS 2011-2020) in the context of the establishment of a national social protection floor. 2. The ILO, with support of the ILO/Japan project, conducted the 18-month review and evaluation of the implementation of the unemployment insurance (UI) scheme. The report identifies challenges and proposes 14 concrete solutions to improve the UI scheme coverage and services. The ILO further provided technical support and capacity building services during the process of revision of the UI laws, decrees and circulars; and prepared official technical comments to the draft Employment Law which now includes a UI chapter.

2013 VNM127