Result achieved

Outcome summary

Social Protection Reform Unit in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has improved one window operations and its management information system

Outcome achieved

- A graduation strategy was formulated in 2018 by the Sustainable Development Unit at the Planning and Development Department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in line with principles of R202 on Social Protection Floors and concept of integrated and comprehensive social protection coverage.. - The Social Protection Reform Unit in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has tested the graduation strategy involving One Window Operations (established in 2017 and piloted in 2018/19) devised for 300 households in two selected districts of Lower Dir and Nowshera. This included access to 7 line departments extending coverage in health, education, Zakat and Usher, Baitulmaal (Financial assistance schemes extended to the destitute, widows, orphans, invalids, infirm and other needy persons) , labour (social security, old age benefits), Benazir Income Support Programme for unconditional cash transfers and social welfare. The graduation strategy is being adopted for possible replication in other parts of the province. • The OWO staff has used the Integrated MIS developed in 2017 for case management of 300 HHS. The Social Protection Reform Unit (SPRU) established with in the Planning and Development Department has decided to expand the MIS to cover the entire province in order to collate data on social protection in one place allowing tracking of beneficiaries, schemes and monitoring progress. This will facilitate effective delivery of social protection services to beneficiaries and minimize duplications and fragmentation.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

• Building on the technical assistance to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2016-17 on One Window Operation (OWO) in comprehensive extension of social protection to poor and vulnerable households, the ILO further supported the Social Protection Reform Unit in developing and testing a graduation strategy for 300 households, in two selected districts; Nowshera and Dir Lower, designed in line with the principles of R202 from March 2019- Dec 2019. • The technical assistance was provided through the services of a local implementing partner who facilitated awareness raising for 300 Households on One Window Office services. The graduation is being tested and will be verified using a socio-economic end line (target development level).. • The ILO has engaged with the Sustainable Development Unit in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) to also develop a poverty alleviation strategy based on the tested graduation schemes in the two districts (in line with EHSAAS programme) and will be providing technical assistance in scaling it for the rest of the province. The scaling will include expanding the use of MIS to the rest of the province. The ILO will include non-public social protection schemes and programmes to the MIS to improve coordination of public and private sector to increase coverage.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The technical assistance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KP) through the pilot project focuses on women participation and coverage (specially through linkages with education, health, skills development and microfinance schemes that can help them improve quality of life and also invest in endowment factors that can translate into better income opportunities for women and girls).
٢٠١٩ PAK226 Administration , Capacity building , Crisis , Monitoring/evaluation , Regulation / supervision , Digital transformation