Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Government of Kyrgyzstan adopted the Programme of social protection development.

Outcome achieved

The Government of Kyrgyzstan adopted the Programme of social protection development (decree #85 of 27 February 2015). The Programme includes direct reference to the ILO Convention No. 102 and Recommendation No.202. It also includes in its action plan the carrying out of an Assessment Based National Dialogue on the development of a national social protection floor.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

ILO provided advisory and technical support through: - Awareness-raising/Advocacy; - Technical advice: development of the component on disability of the Programme. Guidance and technical advice on the overall structure as well as the Action Plan of the Programme (July – December 2014). - Knowledge sharing: various ILO publications were translated into Russian and contributed to the development of the Programme: World Social Protection Report 2014/15; Global Wage Report 2014/15; Social Security for all: Building social protection floors and comprehensive social security systems. A joint publication with WFP on social protection and food security (to be finalized in Sep/Oct 2015). RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results

2015 KGZ154 Employment services , Family benefits , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , Social health protection , Social dialogue , Children , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment