Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The National Medium-term Development Plan (RPJMN) targets a substantial increase in the participation of informal economy workers, (majority of Indonesian workers) who so far have limited protection.

Outcome achieved

(1) The National Medium-term Development Plan (RPJMN) targets a substantial increase in the participation of informal economy workers, (majority of Indonesian workers) who so far have limited protection. -The social Health insurance targets universal coverage by 2019 from a baseline coverage rate of 51.8% in October 2014; -the RPJMN also foresees to more than double the affiliation of informal economy workers to the workers' social security programmes (Work-injury, Old-age provident fund, Death benefit and pension). It foresees reaching a target of 62.4 million formal economy workers and 3.5 million informal economy workers (from a baseline of 29.5 million formal economy workers and 1.3 informal economy workers). (2) The new public pension scheme targets workers from private sector companies (including documented migrant workers who have been working in Indonesia for at least 6 months). It is a defined benefit scheme. (3) The Integrated Referral System is planned to be rolled out over a 5 year period from January 2015 to Dec 2019. It targets to roll out into 100 districts/municipality locations with an average of 20 districts/municipality per year. The IRS is composed of four main tools: (1) A database of the poor (improve the update process of the existing "Unified Database"); (2) Family Profiles based on Needs Assessment (3) Programme Profiles based on the inventory of existing SP services in the corresponding district and municipality; (4) Complaints Resolution Tracking System.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(1)The gap analysis conducted during the ABND in 2012 identified informal sector workers as one of the main group with very limided protection. ILO's recommendation 202 on the social protection floor advocating for universality of the social protection system have been promoted through diverse forums in 2014 and 2015. (2)The gap analysis conducted during the ABND in 2012 highlighted the limitation of pension mainly to civil servants, military, and police personnel while old age benefits for private sector workers were limited to a provident fund (lump sum payment). ILO's convention 102 on social protection minimum standards advocating for old age benefits on the form of regular payments have been promoted through diverse forums in 2014 and 2015. (3)ILO's contribution to the IRS: - a recommendation of the ABND, jointly organized with BAPPENAS - the feasibility studies and the design report produced under the single window service have been shared with BAPPENAS. RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results

2015 IDN103 Employment services , Family benefits , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , ILO standards , Social health protection , Legislation , Children , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment