Result achieved

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Outcome summary

A national social protection strategic plan (NSPSP) was adopted by the Government of Myanmar on 30 December 2014.

Outcome achieved

A national social protection strategic plan (NSPSP) is developed by an inter-ministerial working group including key line ministries. The NSPSP was adopted by the Government of Myanmar on 30 December 2014.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Following the request of the working group for ILO support to formulate the NSPSP, the ILO facilitated an assessment-based national dialogue (ABND) exercise on social protection.
Between 2013 and 2015, this exercise involved a large number of stakeholders at the national level (i.e. line ministries, employers and workers representatives, UN agencies, local and international NGOs, financial institutions and the academia). This participatory exercise provided a comprehensive mapping of social protection provisions delivered by the central government and development partners as well as policy and implementation gaps.
The ILO also facilitated awareness raising and advocacy on the role of social protection through widespread knowledge-sharing efforts. ILO through the ABND provided inputs to the NSPSP in particular in developing concrete policy options on a national social protection floor, the cost and potential impact on poverty reduction of those options were also estimated. All of the flagship programmes of the NSPSP are proposals developed through the ABND process.
RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results.
ILO facilitated the participation of the social partners in the ABND exercise.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The NSPSP has policy proposals to extend coverage of social protection to excluded groups such as workers in the informal economy, the elderly, persons living with disabilities. The flagship programmes of the NSPSP include: maternal and new-born benefit; child benefit and school feeding; under-employment and seasonal unemployment benefit (public employment guarantee scheme); social pension and disability pension.
٢٠١٤ MMR998 Employment services , Family benefits , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , Social health protection , Social dialogue , Children , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment