Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

In January 2017, the Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development of Malawi initiated the design and institutional arrangements for the establishment of the national Employment Injury Insurance.

Outcome achieved

In January 2017, the Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development (MLYSMD) of Malawi initiated the design and institutional arrangements for the establishment of the National Employment Injury Insurance (EII) scheme, giving effect to the law on employment injury insurance for workers’ compensation. The public authorities have assessed the challenges and opportunities of the establishment of the national EII scheme and adopted an investment plan for submission to the public finance authorities of Malawi. At the end of 2017, a preliminary road map for the EII institutional implementation was agreed with the social partners. In addition, a domestic resource mobilization plan was presented to relevant authorities in June 2017. This is a crucial milestone for developing the contributory social security system of the country and towards better working conditions and formalization of the economy in Malawi.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO responded to a request by the Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development to provide technical support, specifically by facilitating two separate technical missions conducted by social security specialists and by providing a social security and employment injury specialist to be placed in the Ministry from January to September, 2017. The ILO organized workshops to allow tripartite discussions on the proposed reforms of the EII system and ensure buy-in from workers and employers. The ILO, through an RBSA-funded project [MWI/16/02/RBS], delivered three technical notes for this purpose. The ILO drafted a fiscal/financial resources plan to support the investments required to start up the EII scheme and designed a project proposal to support implementation of the necessary reforms with a view to ensuring long-term sustainability.

2017 MWI152 Employment injury