Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The social security law extends coverage gradually to persons employed in enterprises comprising less than 5 employees, thus in effect extending coverage to all employees.

Outcome achieved

The social security law extends coverage gradually to persons employed in enterprises comprising less than 5 employees, thus in effect extending coverage to all employees. It also extends coverage to certain groups of Jordanians so far excluded (i.e., Taxi drivers and housewives).

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Office provided technical advisory services and in particular: - Administration study, which assesses the present administration of the SSC and makes recommendations for improvements and adaptations, necessary for implementing social security coverage for employees of small enterprises. - Feasibility studies on the extension of social security to cover health insurance benefits, and voluntary second-tier pension scheme (submitted in March 2013), - An assessment of the proposed maternity cash benefits scheme and unemployment cash benefits scheme (submitted in March 2013).

2013 JOR105