Result achieved
A social protection scheme to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits has been adopted or reformed (Step 2)
Number of countries that have adopted or reformed social protection schemes to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits (Step 2)
Outcome summary
The COVID-19 Social Protection Response Plan is implemented
Outcome achieved
Since June 2020, the Government of Mozambique designed and implemented a Covid-19 Social Protection Response Plan. Social partners and civil society through the Mozambican Civil Society Platform on Social Protection (PSCM-PS) were consulted. The aforementioned Covid-19 Social Protection Response Plan is contributing towards the mitigation of the negative socio-economic impacts that Mozambique’s most vulnerable populations are facing, as a result of the methods used to control the spread of the pandemic and disruption of people's livelihoods. Subsequent to the Plan, the Government has been mainly advancing the response through the expansion of its basic (non-contributory) social protection system, prioritizing those who are the most vulnerable to the crisis: populations living in urban, peri-urban and border areas. The plan has targeted to provide cash transfers to 1,582,179 beneficiaries.
ILO's contribution to the outcome
The ILO in collaboration with the World Bank, UNICEF, World Food Programme, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Swedish Embassy, provided coordinated technical and financial support to the Mozambican Government’s Social Protection Response to Covid-19.
During November and December 2020, a first round of Independent Community Monitoring (MCI) for that programme was carried out by the Mozambican Civil Society Platform on Social Protection (PSCM-PS) with the support of the ILO in the Cabo Delgado province. This MCI collected the views of beneficiaries on the programme, evidence of the implementation of the plan, and proposals for possible improvements.
Gender equality & non-discrimination
Mozambique’s COVID-19 Social Protection Response Plan, which was developed with the support of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) that includes the ILO, incorporates a strong gender component in the eligibility criteria of the Direct Social Support Programme – Post Emergency COVID-19 (PASD-PE COVID-19). This programme was created to address the socioeconomic effects of the pandemic on the most vulnerable and it prioritizes households headed by women
UNICEF, WFP, World Bank, FCDO and the Swedish Embassy are all part of the Technical Advisory Group for the COVID-19 Response (TAG COVID-19) alongside the ILO. Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the TAG enabled the provision of harmonized, consensual, more effective and efficient advice to the Government, based on dialogue and collaboration. This group was put in place in March 2020 and includes partners who provide technical assistance to the social protection sector, i.e. the ILO, UNICEF a...
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- Reduce inequality within and among countries
- 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
- 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
- 10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality
Number of persons potentially covered by the strategy
Total: 1 500 000