Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Government of Jordan has developed in collaboration with social partners and launched in May 2019 the Social Protection Strategy and Poverty Alleviation (SPSPA) for 2019-2025.

Outcome achieved

The Government of Jordan has developed in collaboration with social partners and launched in May 2019 the Social Protection Strategy and Poverty Alleviation (SPSPA) for 2019-2025. The Social Security Corporation (SSC) has also agreed on interventions to improve its benefits and outreach while strengthening its financial sustainability, including extending coverage to unregistered workers in the informal economy and enhancing the maternity scheme coverage. The SPSPA was developed taking into account International Labour Standards, including the Social Protection Floors recommendation 2012 no. 202. The SPSPA was guided by gender equality and non-discrimination considerations, including providing social security coverage for part-time workers (which would promote women’s participation in the labour force), providing safe means of transportation for women, and giving women the priority to receive social assistance from the National Aid Fund (NAF).

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With RBSA funds, the ILO provided the Ministry of Planning in Jordan with the Social Protection Floor study, which was developed in 2018 by the ILO, to use it as the basis for developing the national strategy for social protection and poverty for 2019-2025. The ILO engaged in a technical discussion with the drafting committee of the national strategy during several consultative meetings. The ILO has developed the ninth Actuarial Review of the Social Security Corporation (SSC), in 2018, which has provided the SSC with proper technical guidance to ensure its financial sustainability. The ILO has also developed in late 2019 a general policy option paper to inform SSC agenda on extension of social security coverage to unregistered workers in the informal economy, particularly agriculture and construction workers. This paper includes an analysis of coverage trends and gaps in the informal economy, key drivers, alternative models and strategies, and a roadmap for the phasing of the extension. In parallel, the ILO also developed a study documenting the impact of the scheme on women, child and family wellbeing. Through a number of technical meetings during the drafting period the ILO advocated for taking into account the recommendation no. 202 in the drafting of the SPSPA. Through a number of consultative meetings with the drafting committee of the SPSPA, the ILO ensured that gender equality considerations are taken into account.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

The SPSPA was developed with gender equality considerations.
2019 JOR105 travailleurs de l'économie informelle , travailleurs ruraux , travailleurs indépendants , évaluation actuarielle , model , normes de l'OIT , législation , projections , dialogue social