Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

Consultations with social partners on employment insurance were organised

Outcome achieved

Upon the ILO’s proposal, the Government of Indonesia endorsed the ILO's facilitatation of a series of national consultations with social partners on employment insurance, followed by the national tripartite committee (LKS) organised by the government in December 2018.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

With the support of the Government of Japan, the ILO held 13 consultations and one tripartite consultation on employment insurance from May 2018 to May 2019

Gender equality & non-discrimination

Women and men were represented in the activities conducted (training and dialogue forums) during May 2018-May 2019. During the same period, all assessments conducted (on pension, social security inspection and value-chain analysis) carefully looked at the situation of men and women and specific recommendations formulated. The assessment of the pension system in particular include a recommendation to introduce a universal social pension scheme that will guarantee at least a basic income security for all in old age.
2018 IDN103 dialogue social