Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

ILO constituents strengthened capacity to measure and improve working conditions and to utilize practical workplace tools and approaches.

Outcome achieved

ILO constituents strengthened capacity to measure and improve working conditions and to utilize practical workplace tools and approaches.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Conducted legal review of working conditions. Adapted global working conditions survey module. Provided technical assistance through national workshops and advisory missions. Developed and supported a new training package (WISE+) on productivity and working conditions in SMEs in the tourism sector.

2009 MOZ106 services de l'emploi , prestations familiales , soins de santé , sécurité de revenu , politique de l'emploi , protection sociale de la santé , enfants , invalidité , maternité , accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles , vieillesse , maladie , survivants , chômage