Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

(1) The legal framework, including the Sub-Decree for the establishment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Scheme were developed and finalized by July 2015

Outcome achieved

(1) The legal framework, including the Sub-Decree for the establishment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Scheme were developed and finalized by July 2015 by a technical group composed of officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and Ministry of Health. The proposals are expected to be endorsed by the Prime-Minister by December 2015. The NHI will complement the Work Injury Insurance schemes and is planned to be operational in January 2016.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(1) ILO provided support to the National Social Security Fund in the designing of the NHI scheme by preparing an actuarial study and facilitation of the national social dialogue that culminated with the agreement on the system modalities and parameters.
2015 RAS154 atención de salud , normas de la OIT , protección social de la salud , legislación