Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

Actuarial valuation to convert the existing Endof-service-indemnity scheme of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) into a pension scheme providing pensions to private sector workers in case of old-age disability and death, approved by the tripartite stakeholders from the Board of the NSSF on 20 May 2013.

Outcome achieved

Actuarial valuation to convert the existing Endof-service-indemnity scheme of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) into a pension scheme providing pensions to private sector workers in case of old-age disability and death, approved by the tripartite stakeholders from the Board of the NSSF on 20 May 2013.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

Office developed actuarial valuation, provided policy advice and organized an actuarial study mission in 2013 followed by a round-table in May 2013. The purpose was to present the findings of the actuarial study and discuss with tripartite stakeholders from Lebanon the different policy options and recommendations arising from the actuarial valuation with a view to supporting informed policy decision making concerning the reform of the End-of-service scheme into a pension scheme. The legislation for this scheme which is under development is based on this actuarial valuation and ILO policy and legal advice. Upon ILO's strong recommendation, disability and survivors’ pensions are included in the scheme.

2013 LBN153 invalidité , évaluation actuarielle , vieillesse , model , survivants , projections